Archive for February, 2012

Ad Layout

My slogan, “We’ll sweeten your day!” communicates that our products will satisfy a hungry customer. My logo communicates a feeling of simplicity and fun. The photo gives the viewers a preview of what kind of treats we can make.

The order the viewer sees the ad is the photo, up to the title, then to the slogan, to the logo, and finally the ad copy. A border was used to frame the work to keep it organized.

I made my logo in Adobe Illustrator using the pen tool to make the cupcake-like background. For the text, I used a bold font and made it arch upwards to give it emphasis. The border was made by using the rectangle tool.


Papercraft are models made of construction paper. What you can create is only limited by your imagination. To create this, I used Adobe Illustrator and added details and color to a papercraft template. After printing on construction paper, I cut out the shapes and put them together. Glue and tape aren’t nessisary as there are tabs that hold well together.

 As you can see, I chose to create a papercraft ninja. I chose a ninja because ever since I was a little kid ninjas seemed cool to me. You see them in a lot of modern movies and video games. Their overall design and abilities still appeal to me to this day.


This is my logo for the time being. I like things being clean and simple, just as my logo is. I chose blue and orange because they contrast well together and are my favorite colors.

Vector Self-Portrait

To create this picture, I used Adobe Illustrator. In the picture, I seem tired and spaced out. I used darker colors to convey a calm mood and made the background have a lighter shade around my head to make the focal point me.

To create the self-portrait, I used the pen tool. I traced around the solid shapes first. That includes my face, shirt, eyes, etc. Next, I traced around my shadows and details, giving the photo more depth.

Vector graphics are based on lines, curves, paths, and shapes. There is a difference between raster and vector. Photoshop is raster based, meaning pixelated. Pictures using raster look pixelated and blurry when zoomed in and printed. Vector is line based so it looks smooth and cleaner.