This monster, which I call a clawed-turtle, was created in Adobe Photoshop. But the mouse was not used in creating this monster, I used the Wacom tablet. The Wacom tablet allows me to draw and move things using a pen and tablet, similar drawing something on a canvas or piece of paper. For the drawing itself, I made two copies of the background layer. The layer on top was my line art or outlines of the monster. The layer on the bottom was my color layer where everything inbetween the black lines could be colored in without overlapping the outlines. I also used the burn and smudge tool to give my monster a little shadow and look darker.

 To create this digital painting, I took the original picture of a toucan and duplicated it. Next I changed the filter to Paint Duabs to make it look more “soft” like a real painting. I then used the Wacom tablet and used the smudge tool to smudge the pixels wherever I moved the pen. I repeated the last step to every area of the photograph.